a comprehensive resource of avian nutrition research for captive bird populations

Birds-of-paradise General Information


Passeriformes - Paradisaeidae

Wild diet: Birds of Paradise are omnivorous - encompassing a variety of diets Most species are mainly fruit eaters- but will also feed on a variety of arthropods, small vertebrates, leaves and buds.

Feeding strategy: Different species come with a wide variety of bill shapes and sizes - all well adapted to reaching and probing in otherwise inaccessible places. Forage under moss and bark, between bases of tree fronds for arthropods. Use their feet as well as bills to hold and manipulate food. The availability and dispersal of forest fruits in the diet of some birds is important- as it can dictate the kind of breeding system and the way in which the males disperse and display.

Species dietary differences: Siklebills and Riflebirds are highly specialised insectivores that eat very little fruit.

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