a comprehensive resource of avian nutrition research for captive bird populations



Rheiformes - Rheidae - Rheas

Wild diet: Omnivorous with diet consisting of roots, fruits, shoots, leaves and insects.

Feeding strategy: Constantly on the move whilst feeding, drink very little water. Greater Rhea: Found in flocks of 20-30 individuals outside of breeding season. Even in agricultural areas they show a preference for weed species. Lesser Rhea: moves along with head held low generally in groups of 5 – 30 individuals. Often found feeding with guanaco, vicuna and llamas.

Species dietary differences: The Lesser Rheas’ diet consists of 61-75% shrub species.

Wild weight ranges: Greater Rhea 20-28kg Lesser Rhea 15-25kg

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Examples of diets in use

There are no diets in use yet for the Rheas.

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