a comprehensive resource of avian nutrition research for captive bird populations

General Kingfisher Information


Coraciiformes - Alcedinidae - Kingfishers

General Kingfisher Information - Laughing kookaburra

© L.Peat

General Kingfisher Information - Laughing kookaburraGeneral Kingfisher Information - Grey-headed Kingfisher

Wild diet: Certain species specialize in catching fish, others a wide range of items including; molluscs, crustaceans, centipedes, spiders, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals

Feeding strategy: Main feeding method is perched silently waiting for prey to arrive. Most prey items of the Forest species is taken on the ground . The Alcedo fishers dive from a perch above the water. The Pied will hover and dive vertically onto the prey item. The small Ceyx like the African dwarf species act like flycatchers and will also glean prey from foliage .

Species dietary differences: Halcyon species are insect eaters, prey items include locust, crickets, worms, beetles, moths, millipedes, termites, small mice, lizards, skinks and snakes. Alcedo species are mainly fish eaters . Ceryle - fish eating species (ie Belted kingfishers) Ceyx will take aquatic items but are mainly insect eaters with crickets and spiders top of the food list . Dacelo are aquatic but no one member of the family is a specialist fisher, having insects high on the food list .

Captive data information

Examples of diets in use

Please note these diets are examples of diets in use by individuals and institutions for your information. This information may not have been scientifically proven, but is compiled here to give individuals an informed view from other people's knowledge and experiences.

Diet from Gary Bralsford

View Gary Bralsford diet file >

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Please keep us up-to-date and contact us with your own updates or new diets used for the General Kingfisher Information.

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