a comprehensive resource of avian nutrition research for captive bird populations

General Ibis & Spoonbill information


Ciconiiformes - Threskiornithidae - Spoonbills & Ibis

General Ibis & Spoonbill information - Sacred Ibis

© Phil Clayton

General Ibis & Spoonbill information - Sacred IbisGeneral Ibis & Spoonbill information - Black-faced ibis

Wild diet: Aquatic insects, insect larvae, crustaceans, molluscs, small fish & amphibians. Species which feed in dry habitats - terrestrial insects, spiders, scorpions, snails and small vertebrates. Occasionally take bird & reptile eggs and carrion.

Feeding strategy: General feed in shallow water, in large flocks.

Captive data information

Examples of diets in use

There are no diets in use yet for the General Ibis & Spoonbill information.

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Family specific diet studies / intake studies

Dietary Salt as a Physiological Constraint in White Ibis Breeding in an Estuary >

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